Wicked Big Meet 2017
Wicked Big Meet 2017 is the premier Subaru-specific event here on the East Coast. Those familiar with the event know that Bag Riders makes an appearance every year, but here is a small taste if you missed it. The Bag Riders crew traveled down to Stafford Motor Speedway in Connecticut (CT) on the 24th.
John’s 2006 Subaru WRX Wagon
As you may have seen last year, John’s 2006 Subaru WRX Wagon made the trek down. We are proud to say it made it under its power this year, with all of the kinks worked out from the lengthy bay-shave process.
Kevin McGovern’s Subaru 2.5 RS
Suppose you’ve been attending WBM since 2011. In that case, you might remember Kevin McGovern’s Subaru 2.5 RS running a prototype Air Lift Performance system before ANYONE at the show even understood how air suspension would impact the Subaru scene in years to come. Yeah, his car was there too, and yes, he’s still rocking the N/A 2.5 engine, despite endless criticism from co-workers.
Wicked Big Meet 2017
We had the pleasure of hanging out with Faith Marone this year. Hopefully, if you attended, you snagged one of the limited-run Bag Riders posters featuring a prime photo of @pandasti before it was fully resprayed in yellow.
Get Your Air Suspension Here
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