Bag Riders Super Low Air Suspension
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Dump Mufflers

Dump mufflers are used on the exhaust ports of manifolds and valves to quiet down the sound of releasing air when lowering your vehicle. Some dump mufflers will also slow down the speed at which the vehicle airs out by reducing the rate of airflow exiting the system. There are a couple different styles of dump mufflers and choosing the right one for you depends on the way your system is set up. If you have any questions about selecting the dump mufflers that will work best for your applications, feel free to contact a Bag Riders air ride specialist for more information.

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Dump Mufflers Products Browse a collection of Dump Mufflers products en
  1. Adjustable Fitting Wrench Adjustable Aluminum Fitting Wrench Tired of always looking for the right size open ended wrench or your adjustable keeps slipping off and marking up your fittings and tank? This aluminum fitting wrench is the perfect solution, especially if you're working on a show-worthy hardline setup. This wrench engages with 5 sides of the fitting for a more secure fit. It's also aluminum, meaning it's softer than the brass and steel fittings you're working with, and should reduce any marring to the fittings. BR26507 USD 30.00
  2. adjustable_dump_muffler_base_1
    Adjustable Dump Muffler
    Adjustable Dump Muffler Dump mufflers are used on the exhaust ports of valves and manifolds to help quiet things down when airing out. The Adjustable Dump Muffler will also slow down the speed at which your car airs out by reducing the rate of air exiting the system. BR03325 USD 15.00
  3. SMC adjustable dump control
    SMC Adjustable Dump Control
    SMC Adjustable Dump Control These adjustable dump controls from SMC not only allow you to slow the rate of your dump speed but they also muffle the sound when airing out. Simply thread the dump controls into the exhaust port of your valves or manifold and turn the knob to achieve your desired rate of flow. SMC Adjustable Dump Control USD 10.00
  4. SMC dump muffler
    SMC Dump Muffler
    SMC Dump Muffler SMC dump mufflers are used on the exhaust ports of valves and manifolds to help quiet things down when airing out. They also slow down your dump speed which may improve accuracy on height or pressure presets. SMC Dump Muffler USD 6.00

Dump Mufflers Videos


What Are Dump Mufflers?

Dump mufflers are air suspension fittings that are designed to help silence the sound of the air releasing from the suspension when you lower it. They work similarly to a muffler on a car's exhaust. In addition to quieting down the sound, some dump mufflers will slow down the air out speed of your vehicle as well.