Flow Controls
Flow controls are valves that are used to slow down the rate at which each bag inflates and deflates. Since most vehicles do not have perfect weight distribution from the factory, the front and rear air suspension will raise and lower at different rates. Flow control valves solve this issue by allowing you to adjust the airflow each bag receives when airing up and down.
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- <p>Tired of always looking for the right size open ended wrench or your adjustable keeps slipping off and marking up your fittings and tank? This aluminum fitting wrench is the perfect solution, especially if you're working on a show-worthy hardline setup. This wrench engages with 5 sides of the fitting for a more secure fit. It's also aluminum, meaning it's softer than the brass and steel fittings you're working with, and should reduce any marring to the fittings.</p>BR26507 USD 30.00 https://schema.org/NewCondition https://schema.org/InStock https://www.bagriders.com/fittings/flow-controls/adjustable-fitting-wrench.html